Pixels of the Week – June 23, 2019

Pixels of the Week – June 23, 2019

Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End ressources and tools: accessibility and typography, signs of low UX maturity, some inspirational UX cards, responsive menus, form required fields, mobile prototyping tool, CSS tables, a satire of the new HTML element, UI frameworks and user experience, the state of CSS 2019,  mobile UX and illustrations, cognitive biases, conducting usability testing, etc. 

Pretty, but not Usable – CSSDay 2019 UI Special

Pretty, but not Usable – CSSDay 2019 UI Special

I gave a talk at CSSDay Amsterdam for the UI special call “Pretty but not Usable”. This talk is based on my years of experience working with dev teams that used Bootstrap, Material UI, Ant, PrimeNG, iOnic, etc to build the projects. I share my experience and process, some design/dev relations tips to help people build a user centric product while working with a UI framework. This whole process is only possible with a lot of communication between the dev and design team. Because this kind of project is not a dev only project, designers needs to be involved in the early stages.

Pixels of the Week – June 16, 2019

Pixels of the Week – June 16, 2019

Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End ressources and tools: a site to (re)learn CSS layout, encoding special characters and UX, amazon’s deceptive pattern, interaction design, Dungeons & Dragons & Design Thinking, color fonts, accessibility and lighthouse score, a design free ebook, CSS Custom Properties vs SASS variables, CSS reduce motion, cute pictures of birds and food characters, developer checklists, etc.

Hello my name is St�phanie – a talk on “special characters”, inclusive design and user experience

Hello my name is St�phanie – a talk on “special characters”, inclusive design and user experience

In this small talk, I go through the different kind of issues I encountered while using the web as a user with a “é” in her name. This is a talk about user experience and how encoding and database decisions about formats and characters can create an awful experience. Because we must stop putting the needs of our systems, database, before the needs of our users!

Pixels of the Week – June 2, 2019

Pixels of the Week – June 2, 2019

Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End ressources and tools: finding data for user research, ethical design and tech diet, is “the fold” still a thing, better designer collaboration, accessibility, mobile banking study, freelance designer traps, some SVG/Canvas 3D tool, CSS grid generator, generative music, inspiration search engine, design tools, font-display and performance, etc.

Pixels of the Week – May 26, 2019

Pixels of the Week – May 26, 2019

Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End ressources and tools: a podcast episode on accessibility and design, accessible SVG buttons, usability of Tesla’s touchscreens, designing mass market products, understanding Kano Model, help to switch from Sketch to Figma, voice assistants responding to harassement, some CSS tricks, SVG and CSS guide, an animations handbook, HTML input mode, food and climat change questions, a nice micro blogging platform, design naming convention, and beautiful poster and concept art inspiration

Pixels of the Week –  May 19, 2019

Pixels of the Week – May 19, 2019

This week’s selection is a little bit special because I spent 3 day at Google I/O last week. I decided to add an extra section with all the interesting links and ressources I discovered including links on ethical design in a world of future technologies, some really cool Art, Culture, AR and Machine Learning experiments, new web platform and Chrome new integrations, designing for AR and Artificial Intelligence, Android new features and more. On top of that, there’s the usual links selection including inclusive design for transgender people, mastodon crumbling, accessible React components, the MacDonaldization of UX, podcasts, SVG & CSS animations, nice mac wallpapers, smart notebooks, icons, comics, etc.

Pixels of the Week –  April 28, 2019

Pixels of the Week – April 28, 2019

Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End ressources and tools: UX vs UI, understanding webviews, react 95, sympathy vs empathy, build marble-powered computers, why not just use material design, a creative type test, blocking notification prompts, multi-line background CSS trick, HTML for beginners, what design tools get wrong and some beautiful optimistic illustrations and animations. 

Pixels of the Week – April 22, 2019

Pixels of the Week – April 22, 2019

Your weekly curated UX, UI Design and Front-End ressources and tools: color accessibility and contrasts, how to build a design system, front-end development handbook, what’s a UX engineer, patents on some UI interactions, remote work and focus,  writing better error messages, some thoughts on the current state of front-end, a stock photo library with trans and non-binary people, a CSS battle game, Apple store screen design advice, and more.

Pixels of the Week – April 7, 2019

Pixels of the Week – April 7, 2019

UX, UI and Front-End ressources: screen reader accessibility, HTML5 inputs, 5 Whys, orange and accessibility, dataviz, is responsive design dead, Firefox trying to reduce notification noise, designing for privacy, an avatar generator, a list of awesome design tools and more.