Pixels of the Week – November 14, 2021
👉🏻 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: accessible links, design tools change, UI design the state of flow, scroll API, beautiful typeface, tips to pick icons, Chrome Dev Summit news, metaverse previous fails, design automation, Axure training, tech industry issues, home sounds, music generated by AIs, psychological manipulative patterns, a tool to remove background from image, accessibility legal news, etc.
Tips on How to Pick the Right Icons for Your Website
Here’s an article to help you pick the right icons for your website or app. We cover how to choose icons that will work together to ensure you always look professional along with a few other tips. And to help you even further, I partnered with Icons8 to offer 3 licenses at the end of the article.
Pixels of the Week – October 31, 2021
👉🏻 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: resources about information architecture, aesthetic usability effect, 2D/3D illustrations, information architecture for complex categories, illustration inspiration, understanding the gender spectrum, the “new responsive”, GDPR and special characters in name, dark vs inverted mode, e-commerce usability, not taking things personally, a keyboard accessibility game, CSS grainy gradient generator, etc.
Pixels of the Week – October 24, 2021
👉🏻 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: UX theatre, user research, accessibility game, the hooked model, image placeholder, Figma mesh gradient, asking for push notification access, CSS expandable grids, conversational design, nice UI shadows, UI polls, CSS Squid Games, selling UX Design, DOOM in check-boxes, CSS gradients, a talk on behavioural economics, etc.
Pixels of the Week – October 17, 2021
👉🏻 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: semantic buttons & links, accessibility fails, CSS new cool stuff, a map of UX Research, memory, accessibility of survey tools, color palette, product management guide, behavioral science, dev skill map, problem solving, CSS units, password unmasking, etc.
Pixels of the Week – October 10, 2021
👉🏻 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: mental model of file/folders, CSS conditional border radius, ethical canvas, 2B2 inspiration app, HTML attributes you may no now, User Research and Agile, 3D printed objects, microcopy inspiration, service design resources, documentation tools, accessibility colors, 10 accessibility myth debunked, etc.
Pixels of the Week – October 3, 2021
👉🏻 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: design for break in complex enterprise apps, free UX Research templates, HTML elements, overlay overload, information architecture, UX writing resources, accessibility guidelines, CSS container queries units, icons, ableism in the COVID area, CSS scroll, font-size, creativity, etc.
Pixels of the Week – September 26, 2021
👉🏻 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: agile and design, synthesis UX research, accordion design, better thinking tools, form accessibility, colorblind accessibility manifesto, font size, SVG patterns, reviewing bootcamp curriculums, CSS gaps, CSS shadows, micro copy inspiration, design systems, better allies newsletter and illustrator inspiration, etc.
Pixels of the Week – September 12, 2021
👉🏻 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: data tables, the “it depends” response, tool agnosticism, back to the office, custom media queries, emoji art, problem solving mindset, inviting curiosity to understand context, avoiding accessibility mistakes, the issues with bootcamps, CSS keyframes, information architecture podcast, interview tips, a selection of awesome fonts, etc.
Pixels of the Week – September 5, 2021
👉🏻 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: become better allies in the workplace, dataviz, research questions, the myth of minimizing clicks, table accessibility, research with people with disabilities, AI generated movie posters, design systems, some illustrations, a beautiful font, why links are blue, learning strategy, etc.