TrekkSoft and Arival collaborate on the 5th annual Travel Trends Report

TrekkSoft and Arival collaborate on the 5th annual Travel Trends Report

When it comes to understanding the landscape of tours, activities and attractions, it can be difficult to discern what actually constitutes a lasting trend versus a passing fad. 

For example, while responsible animal experiences are probably going to continue to grow, will goat yoga—the darling activity of Instagram influencers worldwide—go the way of the dodo? 

Rather than speculate, TrekkSoft and Arival are teaming up to produce the 5th edition of TrekkSoft’s Travel Trends Report. Arival is the host of the event for in-destination experience providers, and the global research authority for tours, activities and attractions.

The report will contain proprietary booking data from TrekkSoft as well as exclusive research from Arival to identify top trends and insights, and provide tangible takeaways to help in-destination operators advance and build their business. The Trends Report is an annual report the travel industry relies on to understand the trends and updates on travel’s third-largest and fastest-growing sector.


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Jenna Blumenfeld
Posted by Jenna Blumenfeld
Jenna Blumenfeld is the managing editor for Arival, where she writes prolifically about the in-destination industry of tours, activities and attractions. Sign up for Arival's industry-defining weekly newsletter for content specifically designed to help advance the business of tours, activities and attractions delivered fresh to your inbox.
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