My Expert Guide to User Interviews
Well written and well conducted interviews are the key for gathering useful and helpful information about our user needs, pain points and more. I created a set user interview and follow-up questions cards and a digital workshop board (Miro and Figma). Those tools make writing better interview guides easier. They also help experts plan and conduct user interviews more effectively.
Pixels of the Week – March 19 , 2023
👉🏻 Curated weekly UX, Design & Tech resources: improving user stories, hypothesis-driven design , navigation, UX research, convincing stakeholders UX is important, designer career, accessibility design reviews and practices, on a native visually-hidden, answering the “can a fungus take over my brain” question, rotating sandwiches, sliding puzzles, RPG background, documentation report, type design resources, AI recipe generator, bad password rules examples, PWAs, a talk on gender equity, and some CSS magic to make the content look good!
Pixels of the Week – March 12 , 2023
👉🏻 Curated weekly UX, Design & Tech resources: accessible color palette, UX research, job interview, alerts and notifications, prototyping and iteration, good documentation and productivity, writing good alt text, slime mold, container queries demo, blind people playing video games, the cola logo, a list of designer resources, behavior science models, ebook on the dangerous animals of product management, AI generated 360 scenes, why stocky prohibits bright colors, CSS transition tips, style queries, Figma marketplace, etc.
Pixels of the Week – March 5, 2023
👉🏻 Curated weekly UX, Design & Tech resources: prioritize usability issues, product strategy, user research, personalization vs customization, biases, deceptive patterns, accessible dataviz, web interface guidelines, CSS flex wrap detection, a cute 3D printed from palace, font pairing, 1 data set and 100 visualizations, CSS pattern drawing, AI powered text summary, audio transcript tool, a free information architecture course, types of click baits, a few nice conferences about UX, some CSS grid read tutorial.
Pixels of the Week – February 26, 2023
👉🏻 Curated weekly UX, Design & Tech resources: table UX patterns, UX research, inclusive design, workflow interviews, game UX, UI copy tips, optical alignment, modern CSS, note taking, unicode characters, fun scribble to image tool, quite places app, automated transcript tool, free icons, google font categorization, some cute lego factory, CSS rainbow list, responsive design, a Figma hack, and push notifications on iOS web.
Pixels of the Week – February 19, 2023
👉🏻 Curated weekly UX, Design & Tech resources: building a color palette, ethical user research, authentication UX, design thinking going wrong, CSS wish lists, inclusive language, typography tool, illustration archive, UX process at startups, global UX, spicy food, AI search engines issues, color testing, accessibility memes, a frustrating flappybirdle game, CSS nesting and contrainer queries arrive in browsers, stable diffusion attribution, and a cookies recipe.
10+ Resources to Find UX Methods
There’s a lot of methods available to UX designers and researchers to help strategize, observe, understand problems, ideate and validate solutions. This also means that it’s quite easy to get lost and feel overwhelmed with the quantity of information available. That’s why, I’m sharing with you my list of resources I use in my daily job to find the right UX method and tool for my project.
Pixels of the Week – February 12, 2023
👉🏻 Curated weekly UX, Design & Tech resources: inclusive design resources,potato lamp, transformers in Machine Learning, accessibility small bites, color theme tool, OKLCH color picker, design-dev rel, cute theme toggle icons and animations, calligraphy tool, input modes, hover based drop-down menu advice, ageism, fun AI tools, SaaS inspiration, deceptive patterns classification, a tool to make your language more professional, container queries and typography, platform design, change, recession, etc.
Pixels of the Week – February 5, 2023
👉🏻 Curated weekly UX, Design & Tech resources: a matrix to decide when to do research, design for neurodiversity, addictive gamification, music AI generation, awesome Figma tips, SVG animations, CSS :has(), CSS grid animation, CSS generator, design systems, typographic hierarchy, pictures of the galaxy, UX industry issues, contract advice, daily digest tool, lunar time, skeuomorphic nostalgia, free icons, bank card design, etc.
Pixels of the Week – January 29, 2023
👉🏻 Curated weekly UX, Design & Tech resources: health icons, user interviews, product design framework, UX team of one, survivor bias, service design, AI, disability, accessibility course, portfolio advice, SVG debugging, understanding privacy book, nice font, product design tools, accessible color scheme picker, a fun ghostwriter demo, fun street view pictures, chatGPT prompts, guest checkout, information architecture, etc.