Pixels of the Week – May 8, 2015

Pixels of the Week – May 8, 2015

This content is 9 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful ressources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: mobile users behavior: thumb zones and social sharing buttons, the true about the “woman” icon releaved (spoiler she’s a super hero with a cape), user testing and user engagement on a onepage design, sign in button size, webarchive’s new design and many ressources for web designers among which HTML entities arrows and some nice emoticons. Don’t miss the last part if you are looking for nice games to procastinate today.

TL;DNR the one you should not miss

#Woman #Icon

The #ItWasNeverADress campaign is such a brillant idea, the bathroom lady is a superhero

Si le logo des toilettes des femmes cachait en fait une super-héroïne

Interesting article

#Mobile #Touch

Finger, Thumbs and People, lesson learned by Steven Hoober

#Web Design

Really great talk: Webstock ’15: Frank Chimero – The Web’s Grain

 Webstock '15: Frank Chimero - The Web's Grain


Some CSS you may not know


#User testing

Can You Engage Users With A Single Page Design? TL;DR Yes, participants enjoyed exploring and actually read the text

Can You Engage Users With A Single Page Design?

#UX #E-commerce

Filtering UI: A Horizontal Toolbar Can Outperform the Traditional Sidebar

Filtering UI: A Horizontal Toolbar Can Outperform the Traditional Sidebar

#User Testing

8 User Tests To Help You Learn From Your Competitors

#UX #Call to Action

Don’t Make Your Members Feel Small: sing up vs sign in button size

Don't Make Your Members Feel Small


Are Social Sharing Buttons on Mobile Sites a Waste of Space? ⇒ YES (on commerce at least) !

Are Social Sharing Buttons on Mobile Sites a Waste of Space?

Inspiration and Great ideas


Pixelthoughts.co take a deep breath and 60 seconds of relaxations, cute concept


Designer news


Petit mise à jour, l’attribut HTML  “sizes”  est désormais obligatoire quand on utilise srcset et un descripteur w


Webarchive got a redesign



#SVG #A11Y

Making SVG Accessible using <title>, <desc> etc.

Useful ressources

#Mobile #Ecommerce

The Definitive Guide To Mobile Shopping, Learn, Plan, Invest, Execute by the awesome people at Mobify

Character and Meme Emoticons


Htmlarrows.com HTML arrows, symbols and currency cheatsheet



Didactic, a nice serif available as a webfont


Tools and plugins that will make your life easy


wwwhere is a curated list of tools and resources for people who make websites


Fun, games, experiments and demos

#Game #Procrastination

Pussywalk.com OMG procrastination and I totally suck at this game



Cute: SVG Rainbow Rocket Man

SVG Rainbow Rocket Man


Touchpianist.com morning musical procrastination  <3



SVG memory game.


Fucking-windows.com silly, stupid, this is how we love it 🙂
