Pixels of the Week – September 6, 2020

Pixels of the Week – September 6, 2020

👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: accordion icons signifiers, CSS reset visually explained, 19,500+ illustrations to win, web inspiration, 226 free icons, CSS gradient gallery, CSS animations inspiration, designing for performance and connectivity, media query-less responsive components, microcopy tips, beyond mobile first design, accessibility and design systems, etc.

(finished) Win a free Streamline UX 2.0 Illustration Pack!

(finished) Win a free Streamline UX 2.0 Illustration Pack!

It’s almost the end of the summer holidays, people. Are you ready to go back to school, sorry, to work? Do you have all your tools, pen, paper? How about your illustrations and icon sets, are those ready as well?  This week, I have a little surprise “back to school” gift for you, courtesy to Streamline. You can participate in this contest to win one of 3 Streamline UX 2.0 illustration pack licences. How cool is that?

Pixels of the Week – August 30, 2020

Pixels of the Week – August 30, 2020

👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: an interesting short ebook on interfaces, why design thinking is failing, design system assets, perfect banana bread sandwich with machine learning, some CSS inspiration, CSS grid doesn’t replace a grid framework, free Sketch illustration plugin, PWAs and privacy, grid vs tables and accessibility, random wikipedia pictures, cool 3D illustrations in CSS, a LEGO prosthetic arm, etc.

Pixels of the Week – August 23, 2020

Pixels of the Week – August 23, 2020

👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources:  7 deadly sins of dataviz, some great talks on binary thinking, design thinking being bullshit and inclusive design, showing users they can scroll with CSS, understanding the vocabulary of CSS, digging into the CSS Flex property, a piano built in JS, some online tools, naming layout components, some SVG calligraphy animation, recognizing gaslighting and being set up to fail, etc.

Pixels of the Week – August 16, 2020

Pixels of the Week – August 16, 2020

👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: accessibility guidelines for designers, my free user journey miro template, user researchers skills, proximity design principle, difference between different CSS, HTML and JS properties, CSS borders with background-image gradients, CSS grid masonry solution, CSS content-visibility and performance, CSS Drop-Shadow filter, Figma for presentations, fun design quizz, CSS explained with comics, media accessibility bookmark for twitter, etc.

Pixels of the Week – August 9, 2020

Pixels of the Week – August 9, 2020

👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: CSS animations and UX, the UX of LEGO interface panels, some smart interface design patterns checklists, making motion accessible on the web, design fiction, some nice free illustrations by icon8, a set of tiny free icons,  90’s video game style tool to hangout online with people, dark mode with prefers-color-scheme, some really cool SVG and CSS animations, different CSS media queries to detect user preferences, etc.

Pixels of the Week –  August 2, 2020

Pixels of the Week – August 2, 2020

👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources:  designing flexible components beyond breakpoints, 9000+ cool illustrations and icons, a complete guide to usability testing, meaning of 100% in CSS, Figma design systems, a mandala maker, designing for iPad, an online CSS animations builder tool, an amazing talk on systemic systems, user research tips, a figma contrast checker plugin, a podcast on design principles, an online place to shout your frustration, form design, etc.

Designing beyond the pixel-perfect idealistic case

Designing beyond the pixel-perfect idealistic case

How to design systems of components that go beyond responsive adaptation to different screen/viewport size and can also be used in different layout and container contexts? How to make sure that my components work beyond the perfect “happy path perfect situation”: what happens with super long text, missing images/content for example? And how about adapting components to user needs across specific points in their journey and build truly adaptive systems?

Pixels of the Week – July 26, 2020

Pixels of the Week – July 26, 2020

👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: the mental model of how men’s & women’s bodies are described in books, CSS inline-block, backdrop filter, product design, Pixar’s rules of story telling, UX research systems, accessibility and buttons, prefers-reduced-motion and vestibular disorders, github profile visit counter, some Figma tips, inclusive design for trans people, automatic captions in OBS videos, popular CSS frameworks breakpoints, a cool online escape room game, etc.

Pixels of the Week – July 19, 2020

Pixels of the Week – July 19, 2020

👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: modern CSS showcase, game ethics, design teams structures, an avatar generator, the UX of videogames, accessibility resources, github readmes, intrinsic web design, a small CSS buttons library, UX education and bootcamps, UX roadmaps, UX research resources, a fun GSAP demo, SVG shape generator, 558 free SVG icons, optimizing for core web vitals, a cute site to open a window somewhere in the world, etc.