Pixels of the Week – June 13, 2021
👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: design specs, cognitive biases, documenting accessibility, UCD and ethics, improving UXR teams of ones, CSS is() and where(); accessibility overlays are a scam, Notion ft Google Forms, measuring product/market fit, CSS in SVG in CSS, game artwork optimization, a mental health pattern library, a tool to force more contrast on websites, 2 awesome illustrators, etc.
Pixels of the Week – June 3, 2021
👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: 2 articles on the state of the UX industry, design becoming free, figma hand mockups, NPS is the worst, more container queries awesome content, JavaScript lessons, accessibility test videos, don’t use custom mouse cursors, a podcast on journeys, reporting deceptive patterns, a game with horrible pop-ups, illustration inspiration, accessibility of links, fun avatar generator, testing accessibility with dev tools, UX missdirections, accessibility public speaking tips, a game to learn CSS, etc.
Pixels of the Week – May 23, 2021
👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: accessibility (a free email course, buttons, guide, typography and more), art & artificial intelligence, maps of Europe, CSS loaders, a free CSS course, a fun drag and drop webpage builder, dataviz, a performance guide, usefulness of the SUS, OOUX podcast, design for readers app, a fun browser game, a collection of CSS mistakes, CSS @container, etc.
Pixels of the Week – May 16, 2021
👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: email HTML and CSS support, search design, accessibility documentation, beautiful illustration inspiration, free icons, a live caption tool, design thinking innovation theater, pixelart inspiration, research synthesis miro board, CSS custom properties, font choice tool, a free UX conf, a tool to declutter twitter, form discrimination, design system patterns, CSS mistakes, etc.
Pixels of the Week – May 9, 2021
👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: UX lexicon, accessibility resources talks & courses, some remote workshop tool and activities, 20+ figma tips, UX education, illustrations and other awesome inspiration, how to draw a line in different programming languages, Nintedo’s game editor, CSS container queries, open source alternative to calendly, some handpicked webdesigner resources, inclusive design framework, etc.
Create better conference slides and presentations
Do you want to start a journey in public speaking, but are no designers ? I am showing you the ropes and basics to help you craft slides that look professional. No magic; mostly planing, typography, content layout, images, audio, video and content tips. And a few extra tips on rhythm, notes, technical checks, rehearsals. All those small details to make sure you are and feel prepared. Bonus: there’s a checklist!
Pixels of the Week – April 25, 2021
👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: a free handbook on UI design, workshop basics, quant or qual research, user research demystified, inclusive teaching, taking notes during user testings, accessibility resources and articles, a podcast on collaboration, Frontend tools, Android design, relaxing music, beautiful typography, a game to learn HTML/CSS/JS, a training to help HR understand UX/CX, news about Figma, cards for better inclusive design, etc.
How to make your blog images stand out & reflect your identity
From photos, to illustrations, mosaics and abstract patterns: how could you make your blog headers, images and other visual content part of your brand identity? Here’s 6 ideas and 40 + tools and some real world advice from an experienced designer on how to be your best visual self online, with actual examples.
Pixels of the Week – April 18, 2021
👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: Mobile UX, CSS container queries, cool CSS demos, UX research, learning HTML, testing your UI, free painting tool, understanding licenses, an online toolbox for images, SVG & CSS tutorials, SVG animations generator, the UX of small children (satyr), portfolio inspiration, principles of human centered design, no-backend e-commerce solution, etc.
Pixels of the Week – April 11, 2021
👉 Your curated weekly Design and Front-End resources: empathy reifies disability stigmas, prefers-reduced-motion, fake UX challenges to practice, design better icons, card sorting, inspect elements, accessibility of inputs, hand drawn illustrations, CSS art inspiration, SVG patterns, Louvre art is online now, design language, amazing illustration inspiration, CSS hover effects, dataviz colors, etc.